Town Council
Ward #1
Ward #2
Ward #3
Charles Nadal
Wayne Sunday
Keith Crawford, Mayor
Town Office Personnel
Town Clerk
Deputy Clerk
Court Clerk
Code Inspector
John Cegielski
Larry Hougland
Kari Williams
Theresa Stout
Marvan Huen
Other Verdigris Leadership
Police Chief
Fire Chief
Jack Shackelford
Mike Shaffer
Town Council meetings are the 3rd Thursday of every month at 5:00 pm. Click HERE to go to current agendas.

As the legislative body, the Verdigris Town Council is responsible for:
setting town policy through ordinances and resolutions
adopting the town budget
passing Ordinances which become town laws
making performance auditing decisions
monitors the operation and performance of town agencies
and holds regular oversight meetings on town departments to determine how programs are working and whether budgeted funds are being spent well.
In its decision-making roles, the Town Council actively involves the public through its regular public meetings. In addition, the Council acts in a quasi-judicial role in hearing appeals regarding actions taken by a number of Town agencies.
Town Council
and Verdigris Leadership